Hello, this is the main page where you can find all the training we post until now, more to come that's for sure. This is only the beginning.

stm32g0 with HAL library - Embedded House
Training in microcontroller for the stm32g0 Cortex-M0plus family with the official STM32CubeG0 library
From scratch - Embedded House
You know, at a certain point it is necessary to understand and write the most low level lines of code you can start to program without any kind of predefined libraries. The focus of this training is to learn and understand core concepts like compiler execution, linker, memory map, makefiles and interrupts.
Application Notes - Embedded House
Here is a nice list of general purpose tutorials you can apply for a wide range of different reasons. Many of this post are been use by the different training we wrote, and links to references will be found all over the site, we hope not only you find them useful for our trainings but for all sort of projects and needs you could have.
Algorithms - Embedded House
Some really useful algorithms in c that can be applied to any platform you are using, such as queues, scheduler, button managements, and a long etc…