Timers can be configured in 2 modes.

Reload-mode: This mode allows the timer to execute again once that timer finishes.

One-shot: Execute timer only one time.

This example shows how work each mode, one button configured allows iterate between them. By default, Timer is configured in Reload-mode, but once that button is pressed the timer mode changes to one-shot, but if the button is pressed again Timer mode changes to default mode.

Code Example:

#include "bsp.h"

#define TIMER_ID    (void *const)1                      /* Timer ID */
TimerHandle_t xTimer;                                   /* Handler of Timer */

static void TaskReadButton( void* parameter );          /* Task To Read Button */

static void vTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxTimer );    /* Function Callback of timer */

int main( void )


    xTimer = xTimerCreate( "Timer", 250, pdTRUE, TIMER_ID, vTimerCallback );    /* Creation of Timer */
    xTimerStart( xTimer, 0 );                                                   /* Start Timer */

    xTaskCreate( TaskReadButton, "Task_Read_Button", 128u, NULL, 1u, NULL );    /* Register Task */

    vTaskStartScheduler();                                                      /* Execute Kernel */

/* Task To Read Button and change Reload mode of Timer */
static void TaskReadButton( void* parameter )
    uint32_t ReadPIN = 0;                                       /* Variable to store Pin Button State */

        ReadPIN = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin( GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_7 );       /* Check if button is pressed */

        if( ReadPIN == GPIO_PIN_RESET )                         /* If button was pressed Check Reload mode of Timer */
            if( xTimerGetReloadMode(xTimer) == pdTRUE )         /* Check Reload mode of Timer */
                vTimerSetReloadMode( xTimer, pdFALSE );         /* Change to one-shot mode */
                SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PrintfHost("Change Reload Mode to pdFALSE");
                vTimerSetReloadMode( xTimer, pdTRUE );          /* Change to Reload-mode */
                xTimerStart(xTimer,0);                          /* Start Timer */
                SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PrintfHost("Change Reload Mode to pdTRUE");

        vTaskDelay( 40 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );                  /* Read button each 40ms */

/* Callback function of Timer to blink a led */
void vTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxTimer )
    HAL_GPIO_TogglePin( GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_0 );        /* Blink a LED to know the Reload mode of timer */
    SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PrintfHost("Timer Callback");

SystemView output:

The Terminal shows the message of a callback execution of the Timer register in Reload mode, notice that the callback is executed over and over every 250ms.




When the application starts, the timer is registered by default with a period of 250 ticks and configured with the auto reload mode enabled. the timeline shows the execution of timer callback every 250 ticks.

When the button is pressed, the task detect the change and disable the reload mode of the timer, configuring it as a one-shot.
Observe the "TaskReadButton" execution that prints a message on the terminal indicating that the status of the reload mode as pdFALSE.

Now the timer will execute the callback one more time after finishing the period of 250 ticks.
Observe the images of the behavior of the Timer, the first image shows the timer callback executing normally, but on the second image notice that there is no execution of the callback after the 250 ticks.
Now the Timer has finished its execution and will not start again for the rest of the program unless the start timer function is executed again.

Finally, the terminal shows that the button is pressed again and Callback is running concurrently. Check the elapsed time between messages, the button is pressed 2 seconds later.
This evidence that one-shot mode just executes the callback function one time.