The program will setup timer to an overflow for a period of time of 300ms, but the interrupt will not be triggered until this overflow happens three times

#include "bsp.h"

int main( void )
    TIM_HandleTypeDef TIM_Handler;    /*TIM initial structure*/

    HAL_Init();                                     /*Init HAL library*/
    __HAL_RCC_TIM1_CLK_ENABLE();                   /*Enable clock on TIM1*/

    /*configure timer 1 with a preescaler of 1000 and starting count of 4800
    by default the timer get a Tfrec of 16MHz from the APB bus*/
    TIM_Handler.Instance = TIM1;                          /*Timer TIM to configure*/
    TIM_Handler.Init.Prescaler = 1000;                    /*preescaler Tfrec / Prescaler*/
    TIM_Handler.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_DOWN;  /*count from Period value to zero*/
    TIM_Handler.Init.Period = 4800;                       /*down count from 4800*/
    TIM_Handler.Init.RepetitionCounter = 3;               /*repeat the count another 3 times before generate an update event*/
    /*use the previous parameters to set configuration on TIM1*/
    HAL_TIM_Base_Init( &TIM_Handler );

    /*Enable interrupt vector TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQ where the CPU will jump in any of 
    the following events: TIM1 Break, Update, Trigger and Commutation */
    HAL_NVIC_SetPriority( TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQn, 2, 0 );/*se fija la prioridad a nivel 2*/

    /*init the timer count from oveflow value (4800  in this case) and trigger an interrupts*/
    HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT( &TIM_Handler );

    while (1)
        /*Do nothing*/

/* when the timer TIM1 reaches its count down to zero the number of times indicated 
in RepetitionCounter this function will be called by HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler
which is in turn called from the TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler interrupt vector*/
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback( TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim )
    /*This code will reached every 300ms * (RepetitionCounter + 1) */