In this example a led on will rotate from C8 to C11, the same configuration as in previous example will be used


#include "Mcu.h"
#include "Port.h"
#include "Dio.h"

void EcuM_Init( void );

int main( void )
        for( uint8 i = 0u ; i < 4u ; i++ )
            Dio_WriteChannelGroup( DioConf_DioChannelGroup_PORTD_LEDS, 0x00u );
            Dio_WriteChannelGroup( DioConf_DioChannelGroup_PORTD_LEDS, ( 1u << i ) );
            /*dummy delay*/
            for( uint32 i = 0u ; i < 500000u ; i++ );

    return 0;

void EcuM_Init( void )
    Mcu_Init( &Mcu_Config );
    /* Initialize the clock tree with no PLL active*/
    Mcu_InitClock( McuClockSettingConfig_0 );
    Mcu_SetMode( McuModeSettingConf_0 );
    /*Init ports from C8 to C11*/
    Port_Init( &Port_Config );