Core one toggle the the bits in a variable that later will be send using a buffer to another core, the second core will turn on/off leds according to variable value, notice how a mutex is still in use to avoid both cores access the buffer at the same time and corrupt information when reading or writing

Core 0

#include "Ifx_Types.h"
#include "IfxCpu.h"
#include "IfxScuWdt.h"
#include "IfxPort_Io.h"
#include "IfxStm.h"
#include "Ifx_CircularBuffer.h"

IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0;
IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_mutexLock resourceLock;
IFX_ALIGN(4) Ifx_CircularBuffer circBuffer;
IFX_ALIGN(4) uint16 buffer[10];

void core0_main( void )
    uint64 Timeout_500ms;
    uint64 SeedTick;
    uint8 state = 0;
    uint16 leds = 0x00AA;

     * Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required */
    IfxScuWdt_disableCpuWatchdog( IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPassword() );
    IfxScuWdt_disableSafetyWatchdog( IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword() );
    /*configure the pin from 5 to 12 on port 00 as output pushpull and cmos speed of 1 */
    IfxPort_setGroupModeOutput( &MODULE_P00, 5, 0xff, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral, IfxPort_OutputIdx_general );
    IfxPort_setGroupPadDriver( &MODULE_P00, 5, 0xff, IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1 );
    /*set the initial value to zero, leds turned off*/
    IfxPort_setGroupState( &MODULE_P00, 5, 0xff, 0x00 );

    circBuffer.base = buffer;
    circBuffer.index = 0;
    circBuffer.length = 10;

    /* Wait for CPU sync event */
    IfxCpu_emitEvent( &g_cpuSyncEvent );
    IfxCpu_waitEvent( &g_cpuSyncEvent, 10u );

    /*get the number of ticks corresponding to 500ms*/
    Timeout_500ms = (uint64)IfxStm_getTicksFromMilliseconds( &MODULE_STM0, 500 );
    /*get the timer STM0 count for the first time*/
    SeedTick = IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM0 );

            case 0:
                /* query if the timer count already is equal or bigger than the last count*/
                if( ( IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM0 ) - SeedTick ) >= Timeout_500ms )
                    /*get the timer STM0 count for again*/
                    SeedTick = IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM0 );
                    state = 1;

            case 1:
                /*try to acquire the mutex and remain in this state until then*/
                if( IfxCpu_acquireMutex( &resourceLock ) == TRUE )
                    /*once the mutex is ours, write the new value in the less significant four bytes
                     * of the PORT00 starting at pin 5 */
                    leds = 0x00ff & ~leds;
                    Ifx_CircularBuffer_write8( &circBuffer, &leds, 2 );
                    /*release the mutex for some other core*/
                    IfxCpu_releaseMutex( &resourceLock );
                    state = 0;

Core 1

#include "Ifx_Types.h"
#include "IfxCpu.h"
#include "IfxScuWdt.h"
#include "IfxPort_Io.h"
#include "IfxStm.h"
#include "Ifx_CircularBuffer.h"

extern IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent;
extern IfxCpu_mutexLock resourceLock;
extern Ifx_CircularBuffer circBuffer;

void core1_main(void)
    uint64 Timeout_500ms;
    uint64 SeedTick;
    uint8 state = 0;
    uint16 leds = 0x0030;

     * Enable the watchdog and service it periodically if it is required
    /* Wait for CPU sync event, we need to wait until ports have been initialized */
    IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 10);

    /*get the number of ticks corresponding to 500ms*/
    Timeout_500ms = (uint64)IfxStm_getTicksFromMilliseconds( &MODULE_STM1, 500 );
    /*get the timer STM1 count for the first time*/
    SeedTick = IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM1 );

            case 0:
                /* query if the timer count already is equal or bigger than the last count*/
                if( ( IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM1 ) - SeedTick ) >= Timeout_500ms )
                    /*get the timer STM1 count for again*/
                    SeedTick = IfxStm_get( &MODULE_STM1 );
                    state = 1;

            case 1:
                /*try to acquire the mutex and remain in this state until then*/
                if( IfxCpu_acquireMutex( &resourceLock ) == TRUE )
                    /*once the mutex is ours, write the new value in the most significant four bytes
                     * of the PORT00 starting at pin 5 */
                    Ifx_CircularBuffer_read8( &circBuffer, &leds, 2 );
                    IfxPort_setGroupState( &MODULE_P00, 5, 0x00ff, leds );
                    /*release the mutex for some other core*/
                    IfxCpu_releaseMutex( &resourceLock );
                    state = 0;